Maternal footprints of Southeast Asians in North India.
Maternal footprints of Southeast Asians in North India. Thangaraj K, Chaubey G, Kivisild T, Selvi Rani D, Singh VK, Ismail T, Carvalho-Silva D, Metspalu M, Bhaskar LV, Reddy AG, Chandra S, Pande V, Prathap Naidu B, Adarsh N, Verma A, Jyothi IA, Mallick CB, Shrivastava N, Devasena R, Kumari B, Singh...
Guy Maka. L
Sep 26, 2011
by Guy Maka. L
Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome variation in the caucasus
Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome variation in the caucasus. Nasidze I, Ling EY, Quinque D, Dupanloup I, Cordaux R, Rychkov S, Naumova O, Zhukova O, Sarraf-Zadegan N, Naderi GA, Asgary S, Sardas S, Farhud DD, Sarkisian T, Asadov C, Kerimov A, Stoneking M. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary An...
A. Maorium
Sep 26, 2011
by A. Maorium
Ancient voyaging and Polynesian origins.
Ancient voyaging and Polynesian origins. Soares P, Rito T, Trejaut J, Mormina M, Hill C, Tinkler-Hundal E, Braid M, Clarke DJ, Loo JH, Thomson N, Denham T, Donohue M, Macaulay V, Lin M, Oppenheimer S, Richards MB. Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, U...
Sep 26, 2011
by Anonymous
The human genetic history of East Asia: weaving a complex tapestry.
The human genetic history of East Asia: weaving a complex tapestry. Stoneking M, Delfin F. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Deutscher Platz 6, D04103 Leipzig, Germany. stoneking@eva.mpg.de
T. Kapli
Y-chromosomal DNA haplogroups and their implications for the dual origins of the Koreans.
Y-chromosomal DNA haplogroups and their implications for the dual origins of the Koreans. Jin HJ, Kwak KD, Hammer MF, Nakahori Y, Shinka T, Lee JW, Jin F, Jia X, Tyler-Smith C, Kim W. Department of Biological Sciences, Dankook University, 330-714 Cheonan, Korea.
Ra Arizun
Sep 26, 2011
by Ra Arizun
Deciphering past human population movements in Oceania: provably optimal trees of 127 mtDNA genomes.
Deciphering past human population movements in Oceania: provably optimal trees of 127 mtDNA genomes. Pierson MJ, Martinez-Arias R, Holland BR, Gemmell NJ, Hurles ME, Penny D. Source Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. mj...
Tui Director
Y-Chromosome Evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into Eastern Asia during the Last Ice Age
Y-Chromosome Evidence for a Northward Migration of Modern Humans into Eastern Asia during the Last Ice Age Bing Su, Junhua Xiao,Peter Underhill,Ranjan Deka, Weiling Zhang, Joshua Akey, Wei Huang, Di Shen, Daru Lu, Jingchun Luo,2 Jiayou Chu,Jiazhen Tan, Peidong Shen, Ron Davis,Luca Cavalli-Sf...
H. Aniwha
Sep 24, 2011
by H. Aniwha
The impact of the Austronesian expansion: evidence from mtDNA and Y chromosome diversity in the Admiralty Islands of Mel
The impact of the Austronesian expansion: evidence from mtDNA and Y chromosome diversity in the Admiralty Islands of Melanesia.
Kayser M, Choi Y, van Oven M, Mona S, Brauer S, Trent RJ, Suarkia D, Schiefenhövel W, Stoneking M.
SourceDepartment of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus Univers...
A. Tanu
The human genetic history of Oceania: near and remote views of dispersal.
The human genetic history of Oceania: near and remote views of dispersal.
Kayser M.
SourceDepartment of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands. m.kayser@erasmusmc.nl
A. Tanu
Phylogeny and ancient DNA of Sus provides insights into neolithic expansion in Island Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Phylogeny and ancient DNA of Sus provides insights into neolithic expansion in Island Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Larson G, Cucchi T, Fujita M, Matisoo-Smith E, Robins J, Anderson A, Rolett B, Spriggs M, Dolman G, Kim TH, Thuy NT, Randi E, Doherty M, Due RA, Bollt R, Djubiantono T, Griffin B, Intoh...
A. Tanu
Climate change and postglacial human dispersals in southeast Asia
Climate change and postglacial human dispersals in southeast Asia.
Soares P, Trejaut JA, Loo JH, Hill C, Mormina M, Lee CL, Chen YM, Hudjashov G, Forster P, Macaulay V, Bulbeck D, Oppenheimer S, Lin M, Richards MB.
SourceInstitute of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Faculty of Biologica...
M. Lamanue'
Sep 24, 2011
by M. Lamanue'
Phylogenetic analyses of Lapita decoration do not support branching evolution or regional population structure...
Full Title study: Phylogenetic analyses of Lapita decoration do not support branching evolution or regional population structure during colonization of Remote Oceania. Cochrane EE, Lipo CP. SourceInternational Archaeological Research Institute, 2081 Young Street, Honolulu, HI 96826, US...
Dr. Kolea
Sep 24, 2011
by Dr. Kolea